Kindred Readers® is different from any other review system on the web. We've taken the best of bibliophile communities, peer review systems and review exchanges to create our own unique review process, one with no spin and no spam. Kindred Readers reviews are to designed to be the most trustworthy, succinct and even-handed reviews possible. At Kindred Readers,
- All reviews are by invitation only. The review process administrators match a book to the most appropriate reader based on the reviewer's profile, their reviewing history, and other relevant data. This means that the reader is well versed in the genre and qualified to provide an informed review.
- All reviews are honest. Because reviews are by invitation only, all Kindred Readers reviews are truly impartial. To encourage candor, reviewers have the option of signing a review or submitting it anonymously (using a confidential ID unique to them). This allows readers to give their honest opinion, without fear of repercussions or reprisal.
- We recognize that some individuals take anonymity as an opportunity to engage in irrelevant and even malicious commentary, so we counterbalance the option of anonymity with the power our Member Guidelines. Unlike anonymous comments elsewhere on the Internet, we know the source of every review posted to our site. Members who fail to adhere to community standards will be removed from the reviewer pool until the difficulty is resolved.
- All reviews are succinct. No more 1,500 word summaries. Kindred Readers reviews focus on what's noteworthy about the book, and why it's worth (or not worth) your time.
- All reviews have a due date. This one is pretty simple. Kindred Readers is a community, and we have to be able to depend on each other. A review cycle is 28 days but if you can do it faster, great! And if life gets busy, you can temporarily remove yourself from the reviewer pool at any point — you're in control. (Of course, Author subscribers may still use banked tokens to request reviews of their books even if they're taking a break from reviewing.)
- All reviews provide guidance for both readers AND authors. Reviewers provide ratings not only on overall score but also on individual elements:
- Characterization - In fiction, many would equate this with character creation/development: Are the characters distinctive and fully realized? Does the character arc drive conflict and advance the plot? Nonfiction encompasses a wide range of material, but the fundamentals still apply: Is the author’s purpose clear? Is the material presented in a manner appropriate to the author’s intent and the qualities of the topic?
- Narrative arc - In fiction, many would think of this in terms of plot and pacing: Does the story pull you forward in a compelling manner? Does the plot unfold in a satisfying rhythm? The same is true for nonfiction: As a reader, do you experience movement, tension, transformation, resolution?
- Style - Many would equate this with aspects of voice. For example, in fiction: To what extent has the writer mastered the use of literary devices, setting, theme, dialogue, subplot and structure to create a richly textured, cohesive story? Is the voice original and consistent? For nonfiction, you may wish to think in terms of tone, clarity and effectiveness. What techniques does the author employ to explain the content or support their argument? Does the book accomplish what the author intended? If the book is illustrated, to what extent do the graphic elements contribute?
- Technical elements - How competently were the logistics of the book (e.g., copyediting, proofreading, ebook formatting, graphics) executed?
This means readers get insight into books they might enjoy both within and outside their usual genres, and authors get specific feedback on what works — and doesn't work — in their writing. Whether you're in the mood for a fast-paced thriller or a contemplative character study, you can find the book most likely to please! Our Book Directory allows you to browse entire categories or filter based on a wide range of options.